Saturday, April 22, 2006

the dirty "m" word

sometimes i equate marketing to little more than selling used cars. it's all glitz and glamour and taking a product and trying to repackage it in a shiny, glittery facade. take for example the new promo materials for transamerica. i have been anxiously awaiting the dvd release since i am too cheap and too annoyed by other people to sit through a movie in the theatre. let's look at what the used car salesmen did to the movie.

promo posters:

the new, pretty, glittery release packaging:

i'm not sure what makes me angrier, that they are trying to capitalize on felicity's role as lynette on desperate housewives, or that the cover no longer reflects anything about the actual movie. i'm not going to find fault with felicity (if you are reading this felicity, i still like you and think you are the only redeeming factor of desperate housewives) but seriously what was the film company thinking? what? why? i feel so violated.

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