Thursday, April 13, 2006

paula paula paula

i went to see paula scher last night with seymour chwast via ray kampf. well, seymour wasn't there but paula gave a great lecture. of course her older work is monumental, but i have to say i really like the new work... a lot. she showed work she recently completed for the children's museum of pittsburgh, and some installation led displays for bloomberg. i haven't found the bloomberg pics online yet, but here are some of the children's museum pics. her book "make it bigger" is now available at a "make it cheaper" price of $20'something. if you don't have it it is a great lil thick book to pick up that chronicles her career and the decisions she has made to get to the point she is at now... which i have to say ain't half bad.

i have heard ms. scher speak twice and each of those times i have left feeling completley inspired to get up and do something. i think in my next creative life i will be an exhibtion designer workly mostly in spaces. it's visually fascinating, and though those brochures are ok and all, it would be nice to do something with an extended shelf life of more than 20 seconds.


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.